Saturday, May 1, 2010


I found some answers. I got access to the submissive wife project and feel much better. In my last post I was upset and venting. Ironically enough, it turns out some my not so submissive tendencies are actually characteristics of a submissive. DBH calls me a subbie. I am a brat. What can I say?
Realization hits, I like spankings. No, not the discipline kind. The kinky in bed kind. But I need the discipline kind. I need to know there is a constant in my life that is BDH.
We are entering into a period when he will he be more firm with me. I have no idea what this will be like. I can't say I think it is a bad idea. I just wish I had more of an idea of what was going to happen next.
erg, going to bed

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie
    welcome to the family.
    I enjoyed both of your post and can relate to both, as I am also not a very submissive wife.

    A good blog to visit is "amicablesettlement" especially the post" Under No Conditions "
    I read that post this morning and the light came on.
    I also enjoy the pleasure spankings,and not the discipline kind so much, but I know that I need them as well from time to time. Well okay, more than from time to time. to ofen I engage mouth before brain. I seem to be a very slow learner sometimes. Hang in there my friend,
    Lil Sam
